Hello everyone (or anyone),
2013 is upon us. I'm a senior now and I've had quite a blast this last semester. I have not posted at all since September, I noticed, so I'm posting now to make sure someone knows I'm alive. Anyway, I'm now 22 and on the verge of graduation this coming spring.
This fact begs the question of what I'll be doing after graduation. My parents and a few others have suggested I complete a Master's, although the financial burden is a turnoff for me. I don't think it would be appropriate to get a Master's in Technical Communication, since the courses in my undergraduate program are designed to accommodate undergrads and grads in the same class (the only difference being grads complete a bit more coursework).
I do have an interest in business, specifically marketing, and an MBA seems attractive. However, the financial burden weighs heavily on my career options. I have the same considerations about the prospect of completing a Ph.D. (which is attractive in theory, but might not be the right thing for me).
Anyway, I'm extremely money conscious in a country where employment prospects are terrible in general. I guess the cynic in me is always yelling through the door when I want to lock him in a closet for his own good. Optimism is the solution but I have a sinking feeling that reality will come around when I don't want it to.
I know, too, that I don't post much even though I asked that this blog be on the Technical Communication page on the MNSU website. Schoolwork takes so much of my time, beginning from about 8am in the morning to noon, where I take an hour for lunch, then use the next four hours for more homework or other important things. I should devote more time to this blog, and my apparent neglect isn't winning me any points for whomever reads my blog (if that's anyone anymore).
Luckily, events will give me ideas for posts so wish me luck.